Saturday, 29 September 2012

Govt Job In Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University – Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University,   Hisar
Applications are invited from eligible candidates in the prescribed format for the following teaching/non-teaching position in the University.

1. Dean, College of Agriculture (one)
2. Dean, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology (one)
3. Plant Pathologist (Pulses) (one) for SC
4. Scientist (Plant Breeding) (one) for SC
5. Associate Professor (Microbiology) (one)
6. Microbiologist (one)
7. Joint Director (Statistics) (one)
8. Scientist (Agril. Economics) (one)
9. Assistant Scientists (Five) in the discipline of Plant Breeding (three)-two for SC and
one for ESM, Sociology (one) for SC and Agri-meteorology (one)
10. Assistant Professors (Six) in the discipline of English (one), Hindi (one), Food
Microbiology (one), Farm Power & Machinery (one) for SC and Agril. Economics
(two)- one for SC
11. Junior Pedologist (one) for SC
12. Assistant Engineer (SWE) (one) for SC
13. Assistant Breeder (one) for SC
14. Junior Agronomist (one) for BC
15. Senior Medical Officer (one)
16. Public Relations Officer (one)
17. Store Purchase Officer (one)
18. Drawing & Craft Teacher (one)
19. Junior Engineer (Civil) (one) for SC
20. Training Assistants (three)-2 for SC and 1 for Gen. ESM
21. Training Assistants (KVK Farm)-(three)-2 for SC and 1 for Gen. ESM

How To Apply : The application form alongwith details of essential qualifications, pay-scale, general instructions and conditions etc. can be downloaded from the University Website The duly filled in application form alongwith attested photo copies of required certificates and documents should be received at the address “The Registrar, CCS HAU, Hisar-125004-02” on or before 25.10.2012 upto 4.30 p.m. (09.11.2012 upto 4.30 p.m.

Details will be available at:

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